Mastering the guitar is not easy. However, online video guitar lessons can simplify your learning process. We are not trying to teach you how to play guitar, but at the end of this guide, you will have grasped the easiest way to learn the guitar online. Here is your best training guide for video guitar lessons.
How should you pick the best video guitar lessons?So, you want to get better at playing guitar, and you want it now! You need to find a good teacher. Offline lessons are comparable to learning guitar online, provided your local teacher is a top-notch professional in their field of study and can masterfully teach you the knowledge they have. What if in-person tutors are hundreds of miles away? Do you just give up? Taking a tour on the internet, you will find a million results for online acoustic guitar lessons. They are on every search engine, from YouTube, online guitar shops, and independent websites, to lesson marketplaces. You could literally spend a whole year researching. And there goes the conundrum: how do you differentiate the standouts from the knockoffs?
MotivationDon’t worry if you find yourself in this dilemma. As long as you're motivated, you'll soon be on your way to perfecting the guitar. But don’t use your lucky stars to pick the very first online guitar video lessons you come across online. Deeper research will go a long way in finding the best online lessons to build your guitar skills. Even though you won’t be meeting your teacher face-to-face, you need to feel that you are in good hands, particularly in the initial steps.
DifferencesThe difference between good and bad lessons cannot be discovered through reading only. A reference could save you a lot. Ask around from your friends and experienced musicians. The guitar players are usually generous and can tell you things you didn’t know about online acoustic guitar lessons. There are those in the industry who keep the best material away from their students, but sites like, don’t have a problem sharing the best information and go above and beyond in providing in-depth information to all who seek it.
Online guitar lessons vs. hiring a teacherWhen you are new to learning, a teacher is better than a self-study. You can always count on an expert to tell you what to do and correct you when necessary. It is not easy to find a qualified local teacher who can provide what you are looking for. Truth be told, in-person guitar lessons are quite expensive. They are charged on a ‘per hour’ basis, and not every student can afford $50-$100 per hour.
Weighing the optionsTypical online guitar lessons are the middle ground where ‘tutors’ explain everything on your screen and what your hands need to do. While others may be the middle ground, sites like are the pinnacle of professional instruction. If you're a dedicated student, you can progress much faster than private lessons as you can progress and move through the material at your own speed, rather than 1/2 hour a week. For those whom money is no option, get a good local teacher along with video guitar lessons. For a cheaper alternative, consider online guitar lessons.
What are your goals?What kind of music do you like- country, jazz, classical? If you are more into classical music, go for classical guitar lessons. Bluegrass video guitar lessons will come in handy if you love bluegrass and country music. The bottom line is you should set clear goals. Perhaps you just want to play by a campfire with a bunch of friends or a home party, no problem. You need to get adept at chords and learn new songs. If you are a big-time fan of Jimi Hendrix, you'll need some serious solo guitar lessons versed in rock riffs and pentatonic scales.
Jot down your criteria before you begin the search for quality video guitar lessons and leverage the available sources. Don’t jump on a bandwagon until you are sure you've found the right guitar lessons for you.
Have fun with your search.